Tenpo - Modern eCommerce WordPress Theme

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shoppingBag Sales: 23

Created: Aug 3, 2023

Updated: Oct 20, 2023

ID: 348843

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Tenpo - Modern eCommerce WordPress Theme - Features Image 1Tenpo - Modern eCommerce WordPress Theme - Features Image 2Tenpo - Modern eCommerce WordPress Theme - Features Image 3Tenpo - Modern eCommerce WordPress Theme - Features Image 4Tenpo - Modern eCommerce WordPress Theme - Features Image 5Tenpo - Modern eCommerce WordPress Theme - Features Image 6Tenpo - Modern eCommerce WordPress Theme - Features Image 7Tenpo - Modern eCommerce WordPress Theme - Features Image 8Tenpo - Modern eCommerce WordPress Theme - Features Image 9Tenpo - Modern eCommerce WordPress Theme - Features Image 10Tenpo - Modern eCommerce WordPress Theme - Features Image 11Tenpo - Modern eCommerce WordPress Theme - Features Image 12Tenpo - Modern eCommerce WordPress Theme - Features Image 13

Tenpo - Modern eCommerce WordPress Theme

Tenpo是一个精致而迷人的WooCommerce WordPress主题, 精心制作,将您的在线珠宝店提升到新的高度. With its premium quality design and powerful features, 天宝是展示你令人惊叹的珠宝作品的完美选择, watch collections, jewelry repair services, custom jewelry offerings, or any other e-commerce corporate business site.

Designed with elegance and modernity in mind, 天宝确保为您的客户提供无缝的购物体验. 它与流行的元素页面构建器集成,使您能够毫不费力地定制和个性化您的网站的各个方面, giving you full control over the look and feel.

Main points:

  • 美丽而现代的设计:天宝拥有一个令人惊叹的设计,散发着奢华和精致, setting your jewelry store apart from the competition. With its clean layouts, elegant typography, and visually pleasing elements, Tenpo creates a memorable shopping experience.
  • 无缝WooCommerce集成:与WooCommerce的强大集成可确保您的在线商店顺利高效地运行. Display your products beautifully, manage inventory, handle payments, and provide a secure and user-friendly checkout process.
  • Elementor页面生成器:使用Elementor直观的拖放界面轻松地构建和定制您的网站. No coding skills are required! With a wide range of pre-designed templates and elements, 您可以创建独特而迷人的页面,以反映您的品牌身份.
  • og体育:用天宝的og体育功能,以视觉上令人惊叹的方式突出您的珠宝首饰. Engage your customers with beautiful image galleries, zoom functionality, 和详细的产品描述,以提高他们的购物体验
  • 自定义选项:Tenpo提供广泛的自定义选项, 允许您定制您的网站,以完美匹配您的品牌. Choose from multiple color schemes, typography options, 和布局变化,以创建一个独特的品牌在线存在.
  • 响应和移动友好:Tenpo是完全响应和优化的移动设备, 确保您的网站在任何屏幕尺寸或分辨率上看起来无可挑剔,功能完美
  • 高级搜索功能:使用Tenpo的高级搜索功能,帮助您的客户准确地找到他们正在寻找的内容. Enable filters, sorting options, 和一个用户友好的搜索栏,以加强导航和简化购物过程.

eCommerce WordPress theme features

  • 珠宝商店WordPress主题包含了一系列令人印象深刻的功能,可以增强您的在线商店. 使用强大的元素页面生成器创建了6个独特的主页, 你可以自由地设计你的网站,就像你想象的那样. Additionally, we have included a wide range of custom shortcodes and widgets, providing you with endless possibilities for customization
  • 无数现成的短代码和预制块供您使用, 允许您毫不费力地添加各种元素和功能到您的网站. 用超现代的商店风格展示你的珠宝,这将吸引你的顾客的注意力,并鼓励他们购买
  • The theme offers outstanding gallery management, 使您能够以视觉上令人惊叹的方式展示您的产品. Present your jewelry with elegance and style, enhancing the overall shopping experience for your customers
  • Complete with premade beautiful blog and news sections, 珠宝商店主题可以让你分享最新的趋势, industry news, and engaging content with your audience. 让你的客户了解和参与,同时建立你的品牌作为一个权威的珠宝利基
  • This Jewelry store is built using the Elementor page builder, 为您提供创建独特和个性化网站的灵活性.
  • 该主题经过优化,可以与流行的插件(如Smash Balloon)无缝配合
  • Instagram Feed, Mailchimp for WordPress, Contact Form 7等等!
  • With these integrations, 您可以扩展您的网站的功能,并为您的客户提供额外的功能和服务.

Tenpo's Key Features

  • Professional design with modern and customizable elements
  • One-click demo installation for easy setup.
  • Built with HTML5 and CSS3 code, ensuring a solid foundation.
  • 跨浏览器兼容性,在不同平台上无缝浏览.
  • Slider Revolution is included for engaging product showcases.
  • Retina images support sharp and high-resolution visuals.
  • Flexible colors and typography options to match your brand.
  • Fully responsive and mobile-friendly design.
  • Elementor support for easy content customization.
  • 使用元素页面生成器可自定义页眉和页脚布局.
  • 具有多种样式和可定制提要的高级博客设置.
  • Powerful theme framework with extensive customization options.
  • Optimized for best performance and fast loading times.
  • 兼容流行的插件,如WooCommerce和Contact Form 7.
  • Wide range of font and image icons available.
  • Access to Google Fonts library for custom typography.
  • Professional support and detailed documentation.
  • Regular updates to ensure compatibility and add new features.
  • ChatGPT AI内容生成用于woocommerce产品的简短描述和描述
  • Newsletter Popup settings and customizations
  • 块生成器,短代码块,页眉/页脚,Mega菜单,弹出窗口,WooCommerce的内容

Source & Credits

Plugins and Code

  • Woocommerce. [http://wordpress.org/plugins/woocommerce/]
  • Elementor [http://elementor.com/]
  • Redux Framework [http://wordpress.org/plugins/redux-framework/]
  • MC4WP.Mailchimp for WordPress [http://wordpress.org/plugins/mailchimp-for-wp/]
  • YITH WooCommerce Wishlist [http://wordpress.org/plugins/yith-woocommerce-wishlist/]
  • Slider Revolution [http://www.sliderrevolution.com/]
  • Jquery [http://jquery.com/]


  • Unsplash [http://unsplash.com/]
  • Pexels [http://www.pexels.com/]
  • Freepik [http://www.freepik.com/]
  • Kaboompics [http://kaboompics.com/]

Note: Images and videos are only for demo purposes.


July 11, 2023:

  • Initial release

September 27, 2023:

  • Updated WooCommerce templates

October 19, 2023:

  • License security and demo import improved
  • Updated WooCommerce templates
  • Revolution Slider plugin updated to latest version

October 19, 2023:

  • Test with new Wordpress version
  • Fix bugs caused by Redux Framework

1 Reviews for this product

Beautiful design, clean and user-friendly layout. Kudos to the creator for their excellent work! Keep up the fantastic job!
Thank you!

2 Comments for this product

A very useful theme! 作为我的网站从一个纯粹的博客过渡到一个商店的首选, it offers a lot of customizable settings. If all goes well, this theme will become my mainstay.
无法在管理面板中激活此主题,也无法导入演示内容. Disgusting
Hi Niko, Can you create a ticket if you truly bought the theme. 我们将很高兴帮助您安装主题和帮助您. Hope your server or server settings are not correctly set. Balcomsoft
由于Themeforest的bug,我们无法回复您的消息,并创建了一个ticket给Themeforest团队. Sorry for the late reply

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Enthusiast Author

Customer Support

4.6 /5
Support rating (10 ratings) 此评级是基于获得该产品作者支持的客户的反馈. 5 9 4 0 3 0 2 0 1 1
Response Time: Slow 该值表示对客户端查询或请求的平均响应时间.


WordPress Builder:

WordPress Compatibility:

WooCommerce Compatibility:

WordPress.com Compatibility:

Images included:


Design Software:

General software requirements:

Code editing tool ZIP unarchiver

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PHP Version Compatibility:

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