GoMechanic - Car Services and Workshop WordPress theme

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Created: Feb 17, 2015

Updated: Feb 19, 2021

ID: 53012

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GoMechanic -汽车服务和车间WordPress主题-功能图片1GoMechanic -汽车服务和车间WordPress主题-功能图片2GoMechanic - Car Services and Workshop WordPress theme - Features Image 3GoMechanic - Car Services and Workshop WordPress theme - Features Image 4GoMechanic - Car Services and Workshop WordPress theme - Features Image 5GoMechanic -汽车服务和车间WordPress主题-功能图6GoMechanic -汽车服务和车间WordPress主题-功能图7

GoMechanic - Car Services and Workshop WordPress Theme

许多汽车服务业主往往认为,有一个网站为他们的业务并不是很重要. The car service site today is a powerful tool for business development, 这是一种吸引新客户和提高长期客户忠诚度的方法. 为了快速创建一个网站,我们建议您使用汽车服务和车间主题. 这样客户就有兴趣留在你的网站上,然后他们决定联系你的工作室, you can post here not only information about your company, but also useful information for car owners.

在处理网站时,重要的是要理解它的主要目标——吸引新客户. 现在很多人都习惯用智能手机或平板电脑在互联网上查找信息. Your site will be fully adaptive to display correctly on any device. 这样,从一开始,你就不会因为网站操作不当而失去客户.

我们尽了一切努力来防止网站的创建成为您的问题. 现在你可以很容易地做到了, 没有其他专家的帮助-这个主题完全适合没有设计经验的用户. Creating a site will not be a problem for you. The template is ready for use, just download and install it. 立即行动!

Simple structure and modern design of the car service and workshop theme

It is important that your site is trusted by visitors. To do this, 你需要一个合适的设计, detailed information about services, 旅行卡的可用性, 客户反馈. The more useful information you can convey to visitors, the more likely they are to become your customers. 汽车服务和车间主题的设计使您可以轻松地组织有关您的公司和您的服务的所有信息. 它提供了一个简单的结构, 高可用性, and other details to help you realize the main tasks of your business.

Creating a site for a car service is quite easy. You can use the following template pages to do this:

  • home;
  • about us;
  • what we do;
  • 单一的服务;
  • testimonials;
  • prices;
  • FAQs;
  • contacts.

You have the ability to use the same theme as a landing page, 名片网站, 或者是一个大型的多页面网站. It all depends on what tasks your resource should perform. 该网站的设计特点是极简主义-你很容易适应你的公司风格, 改变颜色, backgrounds, fonts, logos.

使用主页, og体育和我们的工作, most important and useful information, 但不要复制它. 主页应该简要地向访问者介绍你的公司:告诉他们你是谁,你在做什么, 你的优点是什么?. 在这里,您可以添加来自客户、联系人和旅行模式的反馈. It is important: structure the information correctly, write in essence and in simple language so that everyone understands you. On the home page, create a motivation for the visitor to contact you. Be sure to place a service order form and a callback order button. Online counseling won't hurt either. 越是方便、信息和细节,就越有可能吸引顾客.

og体育的页面允许你更详细地讲述你的公司——你的故事, 服务清单, 重要问题清单. 客户应该确信你可以帮助他修理汽车或进行诊断, 您的地址将允许您正确选择访问您的路线.

The site is another full-fledged employee. Besides, he'll work for you all the time. 而你如何填补它将直接影响到它将客户引向你的能力. 提前考虑一下你可以给访问者提供什么促销或其他好处, then you will set up ads for these promotions.

So that you can provide a complete and detailed list of your services, we have created a separate page - What do we do. 新访客可能会对你的名字有什么用处感兴趣. Will they be able to solve their problems with the car thanks to you? Answer their questions in advance and it will make your work much easier.

To make a really high-quality and interesting site, carefully study the resources of your competitors. This will help you identify their strengths and weaknesses, 创建你自己的定位,用缺失的信息补充你的网站. If you do not have enough functionality in the topic, over time you can expand it with additional plugins.

模板的演示版本将使它更容易想象未来网站的结构. 只需用您自己的数据替换数据,添加一些东西-网站就准备好了. 管理网站也很容易:管理面板非常简单,甚至为初学者设计.

Adaptive car service and workshop theme

At first glance, the car service and workshop theme is quite simple. 它旨在帮助您解决大量问题:吸引客户, interacting and communicating with customers, 形成忠诚. 您可以向这样的资源添加大量有用的信息并正确地构建它, make it understandable to visitors to the site. 对于每个使用GoMechanic主题的人来说,最初的SEO优化将是一个令人愉快的补充. 你肯定需要SEO优化技巧,这些技巧可以在网站控制面板中找到. Headings, meta-tags, 图像标签, 社交媒体按钮-使用引擎的全部潜力,没有遗漏任何东西. 在社交网络中连接你的群组,上下文广告,并获得收益. All this will definitely pay off and bring good results.

选题的适应性是对所有现代资源的一个极其重要的要求. In order for the site to appear on gadgets with any permissions, 您不需要做额外的设置-一切都准备好使用.

Use only high-quality photos and good texts for the site, all other work has already been done for you. Work with pleasure to grow your business!



  • 樱桃插件删除;
  • 修复了一些小bug;
  • 元素页面生成器.1 compatible;
  • WordPress 5.6 compatible.


Отличный шаблон для автосервиса. Но правда внутри короткие коды. Этот момент надо учитывать. Редактируется довольно легко.
It's OK but inconvinience in some way, Responsive design are not look good in some device but PC works fine.
谢谢你的反馈. Please, provide us with more details in ticket DTN-991-80606.
Так себе. Замудренныйочень. Шрифты не подтягиваются в некоторых браузерах. При попытке немного изменить что-нибудь разъезжается.
Благодарим за отзыв. У Вас есть тикет skz-979-91643. Опишите, пожалуйста, возникшие у Вас затруднения.
Nice theme, 易于安装, no errors while restore the database, all needed content was exists in the archive


它是否带有所有的图像,并且在安装后看起来与演示相同 ???
Hello Mike. 谢谢你的评论. 是的,在正确安装模板之后,它看起来就像在演示中一样. You can also join our live chat at http://template-help.com/chat to get immediate assistance. 谢谢你,祝你愉快!
How do I change the yellow boxes to a different color?
This can be changed by overriding the default css. 样式表中的样式.css)确定您希望更改的黄色框(我认为有几个),并将背景更改为所需的颜色e.g.. .content_box.Box {background: #3e8ea9!important;} OR .content_box.Box_3{背景:#3e8ea9!important;} Also some of the yellow boxes are part of a banner-wrap e.g.. .banner-wrap.style_3 so I reckon you can change the style background: .style_3{背景:# fff!important;}

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4.4 /5
支持度评分(594 ratings) 此评级是基于获得该产品作者支持的客户的反馈. 5 460 4 40 3 15 2 8 1 71
响应时间: Normal 该值表示对客户端查询或请求的平均响应时间.
