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The theme will be a perfect match for business projects that need to create a professional and trustworthy online presentation. A minimalist style of the template draws the users' eye to the content shared on the page. 设计的所有元素都是响应式的, so you may be certain that mobile and tablet users will enjoy smooth browsing experience on the handheld devices. 主题是完全可编辑的. An advanced selection of modification options makes it possible to adjust the template for a job portal, blog, 个人或公司网站. Clean look of the template is enhanced with the parallax scrolling backgrounds, 增加深度的错觉. 这个模板是的一部分 2016年最佳WordPress主题.



壮观的照片吸引了网页的浏览者. MotoPress Slider presents your illustrations or photos in the very best way and helps you make the webpage significantly more interesting. Efficiently changing photographs with some content centers user's attention on the best offers of the webpage.


它有一个用户友好的图形用户界面和填充形状, that's actually really important since it simplifies the process of constructing each slide. You do not have to edit them in an image modifying program, such as Photoshop. 此外,它的视觉效果非常令人印象深刻.

查看更多 MotoPress滑块WordPress设计 here





WPML readiness can help you translate all the needed content of your website and appeal to foreign clients. 这种选择对在线业务肯定是有益的.

Fresh WPML准备好的Wordpress设计模板 here



The 搜索引擎友好 web page allows any searcher to examine every page of the web page, 建立信息并在存储库中建立索引.


使用一个seo友好的网站模板, you will have the foundation to set-up a significant webpage that might be easy-to-find via the regular keyword phrases research. Besides, 你也可以让你的网站在serps中获得更高的排名, 因此人们更有可能去探索它.

找到更多的 搜索引擎友好的Wordpress设计模板 here



A portfolio may be the must-have tool of a typical 企业 that really want to establish an expert brand. 这是工作的展示, 服务 or 产品 that can be arranged in the aesthetically astonishing way.


有了一个作品集,你可以让你的项目变得突出. 同时将作品集包含在你的网页中, you increase the probabilities that the potential audience is going to be engaged with your subject matter and then keep coming back for further study.

浏览更多 WordPress主题组合 here



MotoPress编辑器 is an editor for WordPress that enables to make websites by dragging and dropping elements.


MotoPress Content Editor tends to make webpage building procedure become something like a game. 您决定了元素,然后简单地将它放到工作字段中. 它可以让新手做出令人惊叹的网页设计.

Latest motoppress编辑WordPress模板 here



引导 is a totally free grid-based framework that allows the development of responsive websites.


引导 scales any of your web projects from smartphones to desktop computers employing the same codebase. 它使web开发过程更加容易.

找到新鲜的 引导WordPress模板 here



视网膜就绪方法指的是高分辨率显示屏, 哪里的像素密度可能这么高, 所以人眼无法分辨单个像素.


With retina ready website templates your internet page will be exhibited adequately even on screens with the finest definition.

Newest 视网膜上准备好了 Wordpress设计模板 here



This is basically the capability of the layout to change based on the width of the screen.


响应 design delivers significantly better user experience for those who check out a website on a mobile or any other gadget, plus使您能够增加网站在谷歌搜索中的位置.

查看更多 响应式WordPress设计主题 here






Большоеспасибозатакойудобныйимногофункциональныйшаблон, который отлично подходит для корпоративного сайта. Входящиевнегоплагиныудобныеилегкивиспользование. Главные особенности дополнительных плагинов - это возможность менеджерам, которые не знают верстку, добавлять * редактировать контент на сайте. Стандартный дизайн очень понравился заказчику, который в дальней и будет редактировать контент. Большое спасибо за шаблон.
模板没问题. 一周前有一笔关于这个模板的交易, 它过期了, 他们没有给我,尽管他们已经赚了25美元,725美元只在那个模板上.
我们的折扣制度很灵活. 我们的网站上有很多促销活动. 请关注我们的博客, 脸谱网 and newsletters and you’ll be always informed about the latest updates.
这个模板非常棒! 它是很容易安装与说明给出. It was my first time to set up a template in wordpress and I needed help with updating the sample template. The customer service chat helped me through all the steps very patiently and the overall customer service was really fast. 他们都很有帮助. The template itself is easy to edit and customize with the page builder. 我会把它推荐给任何商家. 非常有代表性和专业的观点,谢谢!
We purchased this template for the clean look and the different display options on the home page. 我们正在开发这个网站的客户. We have quite a bit of experience with websites but when trying to install this one using the cherry wizard, 我们遇到了一些问题,因为进口卡住了. 没有必要联系技术支持,因为我们只是手动导入. I would recommend adding a few more features for the blog items to maybe allow category posts to be more customisable, i.e. 浏览完整的帖子,同一类别的每页1个帖子. 我安装了其他一些插件,一切都运行良好.
Esta web tiene todo lo que necesito para plasmar en internet todo lo que necesito contar sobre la empresa. 他是克拉拉,现代的森西拉. Muy fácil navegar por ella y encontrar enseguida toda la información que se necesita. 对游戏进行必要的修改, también me ha resultado muy fácil pues en muchos casos es muy intuitiva y rápidamente encuentras la menera de hacerlo. Sin duda es una gran compra y no dudaré en comprar más en 模板的怪物.


你好西奥. 谢谢你的问题. Yes, you could change the color scheme of this template with the help of tutorial: http://provost.homeminimalist.net/help/wordpress-blogging-themes-how-to-change-site-color-scheme 祝你一天愉快!




4.1 /5
支持度评分(250年评级) This rating is based on feedback from customers who have received support from the author of this product. 5 183 4 11 3 5 2 4 1 47
响应时间: Slow This value represents the average response time to a client's inquiry or request.
